Mindfulness: Movement and Meditation

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$35.00 Mindfulness: Movement and Meditation Single Session
$127.00 Mindfulness: Movement and Meditation Full Series

Join Antonia in January for a four part series in Mindfulness: Movement and Meditation. This 75 min - four part workshop series is for anyone looking to explore the connection between our yoga practices and the embodiment of mindfulness. Through movement we quiet the body and through meditation we quiet the mind to enter the states of Present - Moment attention, Nonjudgmental Acceptance, and Acting with Awareness. 

Present-Moment Attention - increases positive emotions. Being more aware in the present moment helps us to feel happier and sets the foundation for an overall healthier mental state.

Nonjudgmental Acceptance - the ability to note your emotions without judgement and without labels. This practice of non-judgemental observations helps us to not label and let go of the automatic judgments that arise in our mind with each experience.  

Acting with Awareness - Is a mindfulness practices that ask us to do everything with intention and awareness, rather than on autopilot. We are learning to engage fully in our activities in the present moment.

Antonia will guide you through 40 minutes of movement, 20 minutes of meditation followed by 15 minutes didactic talk.
Open to all levels. Bring your favorite yoga mat and pillow for comfort. Additional Yoga props and bolsters are available at the studio. 

Sundays in January: 7th, 17th, 21st, 28th

$35 per Session
$127 for Series

Antonia LeNguyen

Certified Yoga Instructor

Antonia is a free spirited yogi who’s work/life philosophy is one and the same; the human(ity) connection

  • Certified Bikram Hot Yoga 500Hrs Yoga, OHYA® Level 2, Teacher 
  • Certified Fluid Vinyasa (RYS®) ERYT500®, YACEP® Teacher  
  • Certified Rocket Yoga Teacher 
  • Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher
  • Reiki Levels I & II Certified
  • Born in Vietnam to a family deeply rooted in Buddhism and meditation.
  • LOVES all Yoga, food fare, fitness...and talk radio.
  • Proud Mom to a bunch of beautiful, smart and zany kids.
  • Life partner to one creative food-smith.
  • Book nerd who loves to read about Philosophy, Science, Sci-fi/Fantasy and War Strategies 
  • Wanderlust at heart